Come out and experience the joys of riding to hounds with South Creek Foxhounds!
Cubbing Season starts October 5th and continues through November. Formal Season begins at Opening Meet, the first Saturday in November, after Thanksgiving.
South Creek Foxhounds hunts on Wednesdays and Saturdays with some exceptions throughout the season.

Capping Fees
Guest Capping Fees: $75.00 for adults during Cubbing Season and $125 for adults during Formal Season. Juniors are $25.00 during both Cubbing and Formal Season.
Cappers need to sign a Waiver of Liability and present capping fee to Field Secretary upon arrival at the Meet.
Please be aware of SCF’s Rules and Dress Code prior to arrival.
South Creek has three fields of riders to accommodate hunting experience, riding ability and fitness of both horse and rider. Not all fixtures allow for all three fields, so it’s always a good idea to check with a Master or Field Secretary prior to arrival to confirm availability of all three fields.
The First Field: walks, trots, canters, gallops, and jumps. The field master will be careful to account for the whole field, but the expectation is that riders and horses will be experienced and able to move out and keep up with the hounds.
The Second Field: walks, trots, canters, and gallops. The field master will take into account factors such as the weather and terrain when determining how fast to go but this field will also move out.
The Third Field: primarily walks and trots. This is the field that is most likely to “hilltop” to view the hounds and observe the hunt. A great place to start for novice foxhunters!
Dress Code
Attire for Cubbing Season – Rat Catcher
On ratcatcher days, RED shirts are reserved for STAFF only! Please be aware and respect this rule.
- Breeches – Earthtone colored breeches, which for SCF is defined as buff, beige, tan, rust, canary and light grey only.
- Boots – Adults: tall Black or Brown boots (field or dress); Juniors: paddock boots are acceptable.
- Helmet – Black, Brown ASTM approved helmets with harness (no white helmets). Dark Blue is reserved for Lady Masters and Former Lady Masters.
- Shirts – Solid color shirts with collars (NO stripes, plaids, sleeveless shirts of any kind etc.) or traditional rat catcher shirts.
- Cold Weather – tweed or black jacket; solid colored sweater.
- Optional hunt attire includes spurs, hunt whip, sandwich case for ladies, flask for gentleman, wire cutters. Cell phones may be carried for use in the event of an emergency only.
Attire for Formal Season
Full traditional dress on Saturday, rat catcher on Wednesday (unless otherwise noted on the fixture card)
Gentlemen with Colors
- Coat – 3-buttoned pinque (red) coat with rounded front corners (square corners for Masters or professional huntsman). Pinque coat should have confederate grey collar.
- Vest – canary or tattersall vest (optional).
- Shirt – white shirt and white stock tie with a plain gold safety pin.
- Breeches – white breeches
- Boots – black boots with brown tops
- Gloves – tan string gloves
- Helmet – black ASTM approved helmets with harness.
Ladies with Colors
- Coat – black hunt coat with confederate grey collar. The hunt buttons for ladies are black buttons with white letters. (Dark Blue coats are reserved for Lady Masters and Former Lady Masters only.)
- Vest – canary or tattersall vest (optional).
- Shirt – white shirt and white stock tie with a plain gold safety pin.
- Breeches – tan, light grey or canary breeches.
- Boots – black boots with patent leather tops
- Gloves – tan string gloves
- Helmet – black ASTM approved helmets with harness.
Juniors with Colors
- Coat – black hunt coat with confederate grey collar with red piping.
- Vest – canary or tattersall vest (optional).
- Shirt – white shirt and white stock tie with a plain gold safety pin.
- Breeches – tan, light grey or canary breeches. Jodhpurs with garters.
- Boots – black boots with plain tops. Paddock boots are acceptable.
- Gloves – tan string gloves or black gloves
- Helmet – black ASTM approved helmets with harness.
- Juniors may wear their colors until their 25th birthday.
Gentlemen, Ladies & Juniors Without Colors
- Coat – black hunt coat.
- Vest – canary or tattersall vest (optional).
- Shirt – white shirt and white stock tie with a plain gold safety pin.
- Breeches – tan, light grey or canary breeches. Jodhpurs may be worn by Juniors with garters.
- Boots – black boots with plain tops. Paddock boots are acceptable for Juniors only.
- Gloves – tan string gloves or black gloves
- Helmet – black ASTM approved helmets with harness.