Opening Meet
Opening Meet
2020 Opening Meet
2019 Opening Meet
Learn More About Our Opening Meet
South Creek Foxhounds
Opening Meet
November 30, 2019
Hosted at Little Everglades Ranch
in Memory of Sharon Blanchard
& Honoring Bob Blanchard
Opening Meet is a special time for foxhunters to share and celebrate with friends, family, landowners, and other hunt supporters. It marks the official beginning of a new hunting season. Those involved have spent the summer and fall training young hounds, conditioning horses (and people), clearing trails, repairing and installing jumps. South Creek Foxhounds Opening Meet is always held on the first Saturday after Thanksgiving.
By tradition, these festivities include: The Stirrup Cup, the Blessing of the Hounds, the awarding of St. Hubert Medals, the Hunt, followed by a catered Hunt Brunch and socializing. Non-riding guests are welcome to attend and follow on a “Tally Ho” vehicle. Proper attire is requested.
We welcome you to join us on our Opening Meet!
Little Everglades Ranch
38233 Ashbrook Road
Dade Blessing of the Hounds at 9:00 A.M.
Hounds will move off after the Blessing
Catered Hunt Brunch to Follow at 11:00 A.M.
SCF Members: $50.00 per person
Non-Members: $75.00 per person
Under Age 6 Free
No Refunds
Mandatory R.S.V.P. with payment by November 25th
To attend please: Print the Release and send with payment (make checks payable to SCF) to:
Linda Williams, Treasurer
8916 Eagle Watch Drive
Riverview, FL 33578
Please indicate if you are riding on a horse or riding on the Tally Ho vehicle!
Please Note – No Motorized Vehicles Will Be Allowed to Follow The Hunt Besides the Tally Ho Vehicle!
Any Questions? Contact Jan McDonald Email Jan.
No refunds and all reservations and payments MUST be made by November 25, 2019. NO EXCEPTIONS!City, FL 33523